How to view reports in Keyzapp

Viewing Reports

How do I view reports?

Staff with Key Controller and Office Administrator permissions can view a variety of reports.  There are several links throughout Keyzapp for accessing these. Reports focussing on one particular area (eg: Keyrings, Properties, People) can be found from individual pages.

Advanced Reports

Detailed reports on Keyrings, Keyfobs, Properties,  Activities, People and Companies can be found by selecting Advanced Reports from the Extras box if your system is configured in this way.

Which reports are available?

The Advanced Report screen is largely self explanatory:

Once loaded, these reports can be sorted by different columns and filters and exported to Microsoft Excel.

Reports for users with Office Administrator permissions

In addition to the Advanced Reports described above, you can view a complete Audit Trail by navigating to Admin > Audit Trail . This provides a record of every click in Keyzapp and can be filtered by date, time, user, property, keyring and person – making it easy for you to pinpoint exact pieces of information when you need them.

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