How to Review All Email /Text Messages (even if failed)

How to Review All Email /Text Messages (even if failed)

Keyzapp keeps a history of every message it sends out on the Messaging Page.
If you suspect that some messages are not being sent correctly, or just want a technical view of what is going on, the Messaging page is the place to go.

Understanding How Messaging Works

It helps to know a bit more about what is going on behind the scenes, if you are looking into the different messages that Keyzapp sends.  The below gives a short introduction:

Triggers, Events and Reports

Keyzapp relies on something happening to trigger a the sending of a message.  This is called a trigger.
Triggers are linked to Events that happen in Keyzapp.  An event can be one of 3 things:
  1. Someone taking an action with keys  - (E.g. Someone signing out a key)
  2. Something happening on schedule (Like a key going overdue, another time related to the due back date)
  3. Someone manually clicking a button to send message 
A manual trigger is usually combined with a report.  Which is a list of people or keys that meet a certain criteria.  (E.g. the list of people with overdue keys)


The Messages that are sent out are always based on a template.  In the template, you select which event or report the message is for, as well as the content of the message that you want to send out.  Administrators create the templates from Admin > Messages and Alerts.  See Get Started with Messaging and Alerts for an overview.


A single trigger can end up sending many different messages at once.  The messages sent from a single trigger are called a batch
For example:
1. When a key goes overdue, 2 messages could be sent:
  1. A  text message to the key holder to remind them to bring it back
  2. A warning message to the key issuer, to let them know the key is late
2. When a team member manually chases all currently overdue keys
  1. There could be many people with overdue keys, so one message will be sent to each person
Within a batch, some messages could be successful and other could fail.  So you can use the Messaging Page to dig into this. 

Review Status of a Message 

  1. Click on the Extras tab, then Text/Email Messages and scroll down to the Message History box
  2. Click on the date and time of the batch you wish to view (messages are grouped by when they were sent and by whom, as it is possible to send messages to multiple recipients in one batch – e.g. if you want to send a manual overdue key reminder to all people with overdue keys)
  3. The batch details page will load showing full details of the message sent in that batch, including the recipient’s name and the exact message text 


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