Back in the days when you used pen and paper to manage your keys, you probably had a signature sheet, where people taking keys put a squiggle in a box to say they had taken the keys and promised to bring them back. The problem, of course was that the “signature” was often hard to read and impossible to actually hold people to account.
Enter electronic confirmations.
An electronic confirmation, when sent by email, leaves a digital “paper trail” showing when keys were assigned to different people and when they were returned. Email is frequently admitted as evidence in court, so can be usually considered reliable means of communication.
There are actually many other reasons why you might want to send out confirmation messages:
- Providing further details about the property or location that the person is going to visit (such as address) in a way that is more secure than handing them the same information on a piece of paper.
- Making clear your expectations about how you expect the key to be handled
- Confirming, in writing, when the key is expected to be returned.

You must be an Office Administrator to set up Email Confirmations
Set up Email Confirmations
- Choose Messages & Alerts from the Admin menu

- On the Messages and Alerts Screen, Click “Start Here” to select a predefined set of templates.

- Select 4. Email Confirmations to Key Holder. Click this and Click Apply
- Two new message templates have been created in the in the Email Column, in the Automatic templates tab, under "Sign Out (Short Term)" and "Sign In (Short Term)".

- If you want, you can customize these messages. See Customizing Email Messages (Requires Professional Subscription or Above).

Note: The predefined template only creates Email Confirmation for “Short Term” Sign-Outs. If you want messages for Long Term Sign-Outs, you’ll need to create the Templates you need from scratch.
Set up Text Message Confirmations
Since Text Message Confirmations are used less frequently, there is no pre-defined sequence, instead follow the instructions for How to Create or Customize Text Message Templates.
You’ll want to choose the following options:
- Template Type: Automatic
- Activity Type: Sign-Out / Sign-In (Choose from Any/Short Term/Long Term) to suit your needs
- Send To: Person taking keys
- From: We recommend using [[SenderId]]
Message Text
The message text can be whatever you like. To start with, you could copy and paste the following:
For Sign-Out Confirmations

Thanks for signing out key [[KeyringID]]. [[DueBackTime,"","Please return by ",". "]]Please call [[OfficePhone]] if you have any questions. Thanks, [[KeyzappAccountName]]
For Sign-In Confirmations

Thank you for returning key [[KeyringID]]. If you were not expecting this message please call [[OfficePhone]]. Thanks, [[KeyzappAccountName]]
Important: Remember that a text message can only contain 160 characters. If your message ends up longer than this, then 2 or more messages will end up being sent. This will use up your message allowance more quickly!
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